Cruciate Ligament Surgery – TTA

We are pleased to be able to offer one of the most advanced treatments for cruciate ligament disease in dogs – the Tibial Tuberosity Advancement or TTA procedure.

We are pleased to be able to offer one of the most advanced treatments for cruciate ligament disease in dogs – the Tibial Tuberosity Advancement or TTA procedure.

Cruciate ligament disease and injury is probably the most common cause of hindlimb lameness in dogs. The cruciate ligament lives right in the middle of the stifle (knee) joint and is prone to injury due to dog’s active lifestyles, jumping and twisting.

Left untreated, it causes long term pain and arthritis in dogs.

TTA surgery, involving placement of a titanium plate and cage (see X-Ray from a recent case operated on here), restabilises the joint and leads to pain-free use of the leg. Results are much improved over conventional techniques.

There is a competitive, all-inclusive price of £2800 which includes consultations, X-rays, surgery and aftercare. Please call us if you want to discuss a case or want more details.

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Sandbeck Veterinary Centre
Unit 8, Erivan Park
Sandbeck Way
Sandbeck Industrial Estate
LS22 7DN

t: 01937 228780
© 2025 Sandbeck Veterinary Centre